
Einstieg in eine Präsentation

Inspire from the start: 10 ideas for a convincing presentation introduction

10 ideas for an attractive opening

Business presentations are often boring like hell. Many times, you can tell right right from the beginning of the presentation. Read here how to make an attractive opening.

1. an interesting quote:

Design the introduction with an inspirational quote that fits the theme of your presentation. A good quote can immediately grab the audience’s attention. E.g. and

2. an anecdote:

A short, funny or interesting anecdote can help the audience identify with you and your topic. E.g. Recently I was traveling on the train. There was a young man in a suit and tie, full hair and glasses sitting one row in front of me with his laptop on his lap. He was looking at a business presentation. I could read along! …

3. A question:

Ask a question that makes the audience think and points to the topic of your presentation. E.g. How many times have you …?

4. statistics:

Start with an impressive statistic that supports the theme of your presentation and captures the audience’s attention. E.g. 2300 cubic meters of water flow down the Rhine per second. This is equivalent to 51,500 commercial bathtubs.

5. a visual element:

Open your presentation with a visual element such as a picture or graphic that fits the topic and visually appeals to the audience. E.g. Create an image on the theme of your presentation with Midjourney or Nightcafé.

6. a personal reference:

A short story or personal experience can help the audience identify with you and generate interest in your topic. E.g. I still remember well …

7. an interesting fact:

Start your presentation with a surprising or interesting fact that supports the theme of your presentation. E.g. Nutella has sun protection factor 9.7 (from the book of the same name).

8. a short joke:

A well-placed joke can make the audience laugh and help them relax and focus on your presentation. Recommendation: The joke should have something to do with the topic.

9. a metaphor:

Use a metaphor to describe the topic of your presentation and help the audience understand it better. For example, camel becomes “desert ship”. Metaphor can be used to make an expression more figurative, vivid, and understandable.

10. a clear statement:

Begin your presentation with a clear statement that summarizes the topic of your presentation and prepares the audience for what follows.

Book recommendation

For an attractive start, I like to recommend the following book:

Michael Rossié: How do I start my speech?: 100 ideas for 1000 own starts
(Order at Amazon: Affiliate-Link)

If I can support you for a speech or presentation, please let me know (+41 41 630 39 90).

If you would like to have tips and tricks regularly by e-mail (in German), then sign up to the Trainingletter – but it’s confidential:-).

Künstliche Intelligenz

From the idea to the perfect presentation: AI technology in action


Yes, AI tools are a real support for daily work. Even when it comes to creating a presentation. Do AI tools do all the work for you? No. Nevertheless, they are incredibly useful. There are several ways you can use AI for your presentations.

  1. Automatic text generation: In my opinion, currently (April 2023) still by far the most useful application. You can use AI tools like GPT-3 or GPT4 to automatically generate text for your presentations. This can be especially useful if you want to give an overview of a particular topic and don’t have enough time to write everything yourself. The AI tools (first and foremost ChatGPT) is a wonderful sparring partner and idea provider.
  2. Automatic translation: AI tools like Google Translate and – my favorite – DeepL translate your presentations almost perfectly into different languages. For example, it has long been unnecessary to translate a presentation from a human into the language in which you will be presenting. This way the effort is very manageable to have the slides in the same language as the language you are presenting in. This makes it easier for you and the audience during the presentation.
  3. Automatic subtitles: If you record your presentation on video, AI tools like YouTube or Google Slides can generate automatic subtitles for your presentation. This can be helpful for deaf people or people with hearing problems who have difficulty following the spoken word. Or for all others who are not proficient in the spoken language. For example, you can speak in German in your presentation, but the subtitles are in English, French or Chinese.
  4. Automatic slide layout: You can use AI tools like Slidebean, PowerPoint Designer or to automatically generate layouts and designs for your presentations. This can be especially useful if you are not a designer or do not have time to create a custom design.


It’s important to note that while many applications and tools are based on AI technology, they still require a fair amount of manual customization and review to ensure that the presentation you create meets your needs. So we can’t turn off the brain completely yet!

Full automation possible?

Currently, the AI tools still often require you to switch from one tool to another, so for example, you have to copy the text generated in ChatGPT to PowerPoint or Keynote using Copy-Paste. Or the application would help you for the design, but you are bound to the company template. In this case, the design suggestions are of limited use to you. For the latter, I wish I could use the company template in the AI tool as well. Surely this will come soon (or is already possible and I don’t know about it yet :-)). Currently, I stay in PowerPoint for the design and get inspiration from PowerPoint Designer from time to time. The egg-laying sow? is already one step further. The prompt is integrated into the app. So there is no need to switch between applications. The order in which the app creates the presentation is interesting. After entering the prompt, the app asks how you want the design to look. Meanwhile, the app creates the content of the presentation. As soon as you have decided on a design, the app spits out the complete presentation including images. I tried this out using the example of “ESG for the construction industry”. The results were surprisingly good. However, I recommend reducing the whole sentences that are now on the slides to key words. Otherwise, the presentation becomes a pre-reading instead of a presentation.

At the moment, the Gamma app is still free. It only requires registration. Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to export the presentations to PowerPoint. The presentation is in a cloud – with the advantage that I and others can access it at any time.

To see what Gamma currently offers, I highly recommend trying out the

More tips

For more tips and tricks on online presentations and online meetings, you can order the book “Online Meetings” by Thorsten Jekel and me.

If I can support you for a speech or presentation, please let me know (+41 41 630 39 90).

If you would like to have tips and tricks regularly by e-mail (in German), then sign up to the Trainingletter – but it’s confidential:-).

Rehearsal / Proben

From rehearsal to perfection: how to rock your online presentation with Rehearsal.

Wie viele Folien gehören in einen Pitch?

How many slides should you show in a presentation?

How many slides should you show in a presentation?

When will you give your next proposal presentation, your next pitch? Here’s a tip I highlight with my colleague Sandra Kuhn-Schulthess in the video below.

How many slides belong in a pitch?

See the video here.

1. watch the short video. It takes only 2:30 minutes.
2. consider if and how you can implement the tip.

If you need support, we are ready for you.

Conclusion: With very simple means you can make an impression on the audience and be remembered.

If you also see potential for improvement in yourself or others, I recommend the book “30 Minutes Online Meetings” by Thorsten Jekel and myself. Available in German and English.

I wish you the best of luck with your next presentation, whether online or in person.


Thomas Skipwith

Online Meetings Englisch Cover

Put your words into action.

Nebula tripod

Online presentations are here to stay. (Tips part 4)

Online meetings and online presentations are here to stay. With this in mind, I want to give you a another few tips on how to make your online presence better.

Look into the camera using a tripodNebula tripod

We’ve already talked about this: look into the camera or webcam during your online presentation. This is not always easy. Because when you show PowerPoint slides, the slides are usually either below or above the camera. I like the recommendation of Markus Hofmann (from Put the camera in front of the screen. Then you can see your slides in the background – similar to a teleprompter. But even then, a conventional tripod obscures the view to a large extent. That’s why I bought the tripod from Nebula Capsule (affiliate link). This tripod is so slim that it lets me see much more of the slide behind it than a conventional tripod. This way I can keep eye contact with my virtual audience much easier.

Interaction with

Interaction keeps your audience engaged. There are many ways to keep your audience engaged. Here is a recommendation that has often been well received: With, a query is presented in a particularly attractive visual way. It’s explained briefly in this YouTube video: (duration: 1:30 min.).

Query with Google Forms

Do you want feedback from your participants? Then I recommend you to collect the feedback with Google Forms. The result will be shown to you free of charge as a summary or individually. Here is a short explanatory video: (duration: 3:30 min.).


The right tripodmakes it especially easy to look into the camera, build in interactions e.g. with and collect feedback with Google Forms.

I wish you success for your online meetings, online presentations and video conferences. Keep at it!

Thomas Skipwith

P.S.: You can get better by attending one of our online or classroom trainings. More info.

P.P.S.: You can find more useful tips and tricks in the book “30 Minutes Online Meetings” (in German).

Online Meetings: This is how it is done!