Never again speechless – with the little book Impromptu Speaking made simple! (2nd edition)

book cover We have completely revised and expanded the Little Book of Speaking off the Cuff so that you will never be speechless again. Now the 2nd edition is ready. The new edition is called:

Impromptu speaking made simple!

A guide to speaking off the cuff.

So that you will never again be speechless when, for example, your boss asks you to say something in front of a group of people.

Or when you want to say something at a reception, birthday party oder wedding.

The 2nd, completely revised and expanded edition of the Little Book of Speaking off the Cuff. By Thomas Skipwith.

The book and e-book are available on*.

P.S.: If you want to present better in the future, you should subscribe to my YouTube channel. Or you can visit one of my trainings.

* Affiliate links

Thomas Skipwith, Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Autor, Rhetorik-Europameister

Thomas Skipwith

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